Create a new Paste

Pick a Font

Selecting a Font

You can choose from over 1,400 fonts on Pastelink, updated with new choices daily. Choose 'More Options' to refine the selection. Not sure? Go with Poppins, 400, 16px.

Mini Guide to font choices:

Sans Serif: Modern and easy to read, sans serif fonts are a good choice for website text.

Serif: Serif fonts have little lines and curls around each letter and were designed to help make text easier to read.

Display: Display fonts are designed for big, bold and catchy headings, use with caution! Using a higher font weight is best with these.

Handwriting: Handwriting fonts mimic the look of hand written text, but watch out for hard to read fonts! Using a bigger font size is best with these.

Monospace: Used often in earlier computing, monspace fonts have an equal width within and between each letter. Often works well when displaying code.

Fonts Selected: 578

Sans Serif

Sample Text:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog! ?"$%^&*(){}'#\//.,+=

Please enter the main text of your paste (can't be blank).


Visibility Explained

[Recommended Option]

Public: Can be accessed by anyone with the correct address, will be listed in search engines. Will show in the Read section of this site.

Hidden: Only accessible with the correct address, will not show in search engines. Choose this option if you want to limit how people find your paste.

Private: Create a password for you and others to access this paste. This password can not be used to make edits.


Expiry Explained

After this length of time, your paste will no longer be available. The minimum length of time you can set is 6 hours and the maximum is 1000 years.

Edit Code:

Edit Code Explained

Want to edit this paste later without logging in?

Write an edit code in here to make changes to this paste at a later date, or delete it. If you do not give an edit code now this paste can never be changed unless you have a Pastelink account.

Your edit code will be encrypted then shown alongside your paste. Use the same edit code on different pastes to link them together.

You must not have the same edit code as someone else or it will become insecure. Make sure to choose a long edit code! Read More

Your edit code is too short, it must be at least 20 characters. Press generate to create one automatically.


Security Explained:

This option controls what users need to do to access your paste. If you're having trouble with sharing pastes on other sites, try changing this option.

[Recommended Option]

None: No security is the normal option, in most cases, leave this option as none.

Captcha: Users will need to complete a captcha (I am not a robot box) before accessing your paste. They'll only need to do this once across the whole of Pastelink.

Login: Users will need to be logged in to Pastelink in order to view your paste. If they're logged in they also will skip the recaptcha if you choose the previous option.

Referrer Info:

Referrer Explained

Adds a Google redirect to your links. Useful if you don't want your link destination to know about this paste.

[Recommended Option]

Public: Adds a Google redirect to your links. Useful if you don't want your link destination to know about this paste.

Hidden: Careful: This forces users to click twice to reach each link destination. Linked websites will see that users came from Google instead of from this paste.

Strip Text:

Strip Text Explained

Removes all content in your paste that is not a link. Useful for extracting links from large amounts of text and to present them in an easy to read way.

[Recommended Option]

Off: Ignores this option and creates a normal paste.

On: Strips out all non link content. You need at least 1 link in your paste to use this option or the paste would be blank!

Custom URL:

Custom URL Explained

Lets you set your own URL for your paste. It'll look like this:

Your custom URL must be at least 5 characters. You won't be able to use any custom URLs that have been used before!

This is an optional feature, you can ignore it if you'd like a shorter automatically created URL.

Your custom URL is too short, the minimum size is 5 characters.

Please check the box to prove you are a real person.

By pressing publish you confirm that you have read and agreed to to our terms and conditions

Please check the messages above before publishing your paste.
